Benefits of Manufacturing Blogging
Many manufacturers often wonder why they need to blog, how to blog, or how blogging is beneficial to their manufacturing sector. When manufacturers think about blogging, they generally think about writing, and a lot like public speaking, writing produces an almost ingrained feeling in many people. Just the thought about writing and publishing creates a reaction of dread. Fortunately, blogging is not solely focused on writing. It’s important to take on the mindset that you are holding a conversation that involves sharing your knowledge and information with others, and naturally, it will flow. In addition to that, blog posts can be in several different frameworks. For example; podcasts, guides, photo galleries, a summary of other articles, infographics, lists, how to’s, and much more. A blog post can be as simple as a video of a manufacturing facility, a three-sentence post, or a three-thousand-word post. There truly are no limitations on the formats of blogs and we hope to get your manufacturing company more comfortable with blogging as it can be a huge asset to your business. Here are three reasons why manufacturers need to blog and how blogging is beneficial to manufacturing businesses.
1. Get Noticed
We all want to be noticed, right? Many manufacturers have this ideology of finish and forget when it comes to online marketing and their websites. However, that doesn’t get you noticed. To keep your website growing, it’s vital to add more content like blogs. Once you write 21-54 blog posts, blog traffic generation increases by up to 30%. Adding more content to your website informs search engines that your site is growing and in turn, makes your site more relevant. Every blog post is a new webpage and indexed pages on a site will generate an improvement in search rankings and you will get noticed! 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine, making a blog an optimal way to create content that is targeted to a precise topic and audience.
2. Form Trust
Like other sectors, there are specific things that are fundamental within the manufacturing industry. One of these fundamental factors is trust. So why is trust so important and what does it even mean in relation to the manufacturing sector? 81% of U.S. online consumers trust information and advice from blogs. It’s commonsensical to understand that trust is fundamental in the manufacturing industry, but building trust through blogs, not so commonsensical. Think about it for a second, people don’t base their decisions on competitors, they base their decisions on what is right for their business and what fits with their business the best. So for a manufacturer to put out a blog post on tips, how to’s, videos of their facility, or a podcast on the latest manufacturing news, you naturally build an audience that trusts you and the information you are putting out. And ultimately, trust generates credibility and revenue.
3. Generate Leads
92% of companies who blog multiple times per day have acquired a customer from their blog. In addition to that, B2B marketers who use blogs generate 67% more leads than those that do not. Didn’t realize how helpful blogging is to your lead generation, huh? But wait, there’s more, 61% of U.S. online consumers have made a purchase based on recommendations from a blog. This should give an insight into how blogging can be beneficial to any manufacturing business. If those reasons are not enough, check out these forty-five reasons to blog.
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